Paul <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Well, that seems to indicate that radtest is not sending the password in 
> the form of CHAP.  As a result, it looks like the server is trying to 
> use /etc/passwd to validate a user that is actually in raddb/users.

  So edit raddb/users to set "Auth-Type := Local", or "Auth-Type :=
PAP" for that user.

>  So, is radtest incapable of sending a proper CHAP password, or am I
> doing something wrong?  (This test is successful using NTRadPing.)

  radtest is just a shell script wrapper around radclient.  radtest
can't send a CHAP password, because it takes the password you give it,
and puts it into a "User-Password" attribute.  Edit the script to see.

  radclient can send a CHAP-Password.  Just put the clear-text
password into the CHAP-Password attribute, and radtest will do the
right thing before sending the RADIUS packet.

  Alan DeKok.

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