Dera list:

I´m working with PPP Dial-In connections to a Cisco box with CHAP authentication. My users are authenticated through Radius server (freeradius 1.0.1) and the user profiles are load in a MySQL database created with the script provided in a freeradius.tar.gz file. All is working fine. However all passwords are in clear text and I´d like to work with Encrypted password.
For a first test I filled the radcheck table with this mysql sentence:

insert into radcheck (Username,Attribute,op,Value) Values ('my_user','User-Password','==',ENCRYT('my_password'));

but the authentication fails because the password string that NAS send to radius not match with the string stored into Value field.  And when I send the password using the string result of ENCRYPT mysql function, the user is authenticated.

Do you have some suggestions about this issue?

Thank you.

ENTEL - Operaciones y Mantenimiento
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