I am facing some problem in configuring RADIUS clients. I am having 2 REDHAT LINUX (9.0 ,2.4 kernael)machines.On one machine i installed FREE RADIUS 1.0.1 and is working fine with local host address. How to make it accept requestd from other machines(linux only).When i am executing RADTEST command from other machines this machine is saying that COMMAND not found.Obviously it has to say like that only.
One thing we can make is add this machine in RADIUS CLIENTS.CONF file.
But how to make requests from other machines.
I gone through RADIUS FAQ.In debugging chapter it is mentioned that after local host configuration go for making some other machine making requests.But nothing more than that explanation is given.And forgot to say I am very new to Linux and RADIUS too.
Please some body respond urgently.
Thanks & Regards

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