Hello all,

I have used mod_auth_radius with apache 1.x.x with no problems.  We
recently started upgrading the apache servers to 2.0.  I downloaded the
mod_auth_radius-2.0.c from http://www.freeradius.org/mod_auth_radius/ .
It is version 1.5.7.  The module compiled correctly with apxs.  
I configured this module similar to how I configured the old one for
apache 1.3.x.  When I go to the diredtory I want to control, I get a
login box.  When I type in my login name and password, I get "Internal
Server Error".  The logs say:
"configuration error: couldn't check user. No user file?: /wijsp"

Is there a way to increase the log level for this?  

I have:
LoadModule radius_auth_module modules/mod_auth_radius-2.0.so
right after auth_module in the httpd.conf.

I have:
<IfModule mod_auth_radius-2.0.c>
        AddRadiusAuth auth1.mail.vanderbilt.edu:1645 XXXXXXXXXXX 5
        AddRadiusCookieValid 720
at the very end of the httpd.conf file.  Obviously, XXXXXXXXXXX is our
radius secret.

Within the virtual host in the ssl.conf file (we use ssl), I have:

Alias /wijsp "/export/apps/webi/uat/65/nodes/corvette/mycluster/APACHE
SSL FOR TOMCAT/MasterWebServer-"
<Directory "/export/apps/webi/uat/65/nodes/corvette/mycluster/APACHE SSL
FOR TOMCAT/MasterWebServer-">
  Options FollowSymLinks
  AllowOverride All
  AuthType Basic
  AuthName "Webi 6.5"
  AuthAuthoritative off
  AuthRadiusAuthoritative on
  AuthRadiusCookieValid 5
  AuthRadiusActive On
  require valid-user

I have been trying to get this to work all day, and I am being pressured
by the "powers that be" to get this working soon.  Does anyone have any
tips, hints, directions that can help me?  If I have grossly
misinterpreted the documentation, please let me know that as well.

I do appreciate any help you can give.


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