On Wed, Nov 03, 2004 at 07:27:18PM +0100, Roberto Re wrote:
> hi,
> I have applied the patch yesterday only, but the problem still exists.
> The cursors are allocated and they continuously increase up to the maximum
> limit imposed by Oracle to the db.
> I have analysed some of the queries allocating the cursors: there are some
> query to RADGROUPCHECK and RADGROUPREPLY tables, which are _*empty*_.
> Could it be those ones raising the problem?
> As we are not using those 2 tables , would it be possible to modify the
> cfg of Freeradius, so that it does no longer use them?
> I will also try to insert some dummy-values in the two RADGROUP...
> Thanks and regards
> Roberto

I am not using RADGROUPCHECK and RADGROUPREPLY either so I have
commented out all the relevant lines for them (including the queries)
in oraclesql.conf. I haven't noticed any problem with cursor
allocating in oracle 8i. Our DBA told me that there are database
parameters you can tune that could help (look at cursor_sharing and
instead of the value EXACT use FORCE (for 8i) or SIMILAR (for 9i)). 

> > On Thu, Oct 14, 2004 at 11:13:40AM +0200, Roberto Re wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >> Kostas Zorbadelos wrote:
> >>
> >> >On Wed, Oct 13, 2004 at 06:25:25PM +0200, Roberto Re wrote:
> >> >
> >> >>First of all thanks for your attention, Alan
> >> >>
> >> >>My problem however seems to be more like this:
> >> >>http://lists.cistron.nl/pipermail/freeradius-devel/2002-December/004052.html
> >> >>
> >> >>I had already checked the working code, which includes that patch and
> >> it
> >> >>is exactly the following one:
> >> >>
> >> >>http://www.freeradius.org/cvs-log/radiusd/src/modules/rlm_sql/drivers/rlm_sql_oracle/sql_oracle.c
> >> >>
> >> >The code in this url does not include the patch Alan is reffering
> >> >to. Of course the patch in
> >> >http://bugs.freeradius.org/show_bug.cgi?id=128 addresses the
> >> >freeradius crash in case of Oracle errors in sql queries. This happens
> >> >with the Oracle 8i client libraries. I was told that Oracle 9 client
> >> >libs do not cause the freeradius crash (not tested my self).
> >>
> >> In my experience with Oracle 9 client (on a Linux RedHat Enterprise) the
> >> freeRADIUS dont crash, it dont realease cursors on the oracle side.
> >>
> >> Roberto
> >>
> >
> > OK, if the crashes do not happen on successive Oracle errors, try the
> > patch and let us know if it also solves your problem.
> - 
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  Kostas Zorbadelos
  Systems Developer, Otenet SA 
  Out there in the darkness, out there in the night
  out there in the starlight, one soul burns brighter
  than a thousand suns.

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