> Do you realize that this is all I was looking for?

  No.  I didn't feel comfortable coming to any conclusion from your
post.  There wasn't sufficient information.

> I admit to being new to this. I struggled alone for as long as I
> could before signing up to this list to get help. I can appreciate
> tough love where needed, but frankly we can't all be as gifted as
> you. I pointed you to the exact instructions I followed.

  I don't have time to go out of my way to read web pages outside of
this list, which you may or may not have followed exactly.  You're
asking me to go do work to help you, and telling me that you're not
willing to take the time to post quotes from your debug log &
configuration files.

  So... why should I do work to help you, when you're not prepared to
do the work to help me help you?

> I told you exactly the configuration I was using.

  Absolutely not.  That was my point, which you appeared to have missed.

  The web page is irrelevant.  What you ACTUALLY DID is the only thing
that's important.  I can't figure out what you did by reading a web
page.  I can figure out what you did by reading pieces of your
configuration files and debug logs that you post to the list.

  And from what little you posted, it was clear to me that what you
did was very different from what was on any "802.1X howto" page.

> If there is a better (written more patient) resource you can point
> me to, please let me know where that is. You were new to this
> once. Didn't YOU need help?

  Sure, but when I asked questions, I went out of my way to give
enough information that someone could figure out what I was doing by
reading my message.  I didn't make them guess.  And I didn't get angry
when they told me to supply more information, or to go read some

> I'm not looking for a free ride. Just some hard to find answers.

  And I'm telling you that in order to answer your questions, you need
to do certain things.  Like supply the data I've asked for (and which
the README and FAQ say to supply).  Like answer the questions I've

  Rather than doing as I say, you've gotten upset that I'm asking you
to do something.  This says to me that even if I do tell you exactly
what's going wrong and how to fix it, that that you'll probably argue
with me over the answer.  I've seen this behavior a LOT in the past 5
years on this list.  It's frustrating for me.

  I would LIKE to be able to help you, but if you're going to argue
over my responses, and not follow directions, I have no idea why
you're asking for help in the first place.

  Alan DeKok.

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