"Michael J. Hartwick" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I haven't really followed this thread, but if you look at the top
> three lines you see that it is listening on 1812, 1813, and 1814 not
> 1645, and 1646 which radacct is trying to use. I don't remember
> exactly when the standard ports for RADIUS changed to the 1812 and
> 1813 (not positive on 1814). You might try leaving the FreeRADIUS
> install on 1812 and change radlogin to use 1812.
> Now, if radlogin is using /etc/services you might verify that you had
> the correct information in there. This is what I have on one machine
> that works fine. It has been a while since I did that though.
> radiusd               1812/udp        # RADIUS
> radacct               1813/udp        # RADIUS Accounting

I am very sorry for all the confusion but I just found out that
radacct is not part of freeradius but part of the radiusclient I am
And it seems that radacct is compiled to use port 1646.
My god, excuse my ignorance!

I am wondering if I can use freeradius to protect a subnetwork
when clients connect to a radiusclient over ethernet or WLAN.

   Andreas Meyer
"We only do well the things we like doing." - Colette

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