Antonio Martinez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On the other hand, since you support the draft "Radius Extension for Digest 
> Authentication" ("doc/rfc/draft-sterman-aaa-sip-00.txt") this means I have 
> to figure out how to make it work without that patch.

  Not necessarily.  Can you PLEASE say which NAS you're using?
Knowing that may help solve the problem.

  And WHY were the changes made to the code?  There must have been
some reason, like a protocol specification.  Find out what that spec is, and 
post a link to it here.q

  Your patch obviously does something, because it inter-operates with
your NAS.  I would like to know what it does, and why.  Maybe we can
add the patch to the server, so that other people don't run into the
same problem.  But until you give more information, it's impossible to
know what's going on.

  Alan DeKok.

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