I noticed too, there is no scope in the ldap configuration. It's time consuming for nothing.
I know what the DN is and found no way to avoid the search uid=xxx

There's some little improvements todo I think.

Tomasz Wolniewicz a Ãcrit :

I am using the groupmembership_attribute to add users to certain groups,
unfortunately rlm_ldap will always also run a subtree search using the
groupmembership_filter, which for my case is completely useless. From what I
see in the code, there seems to be no way to switch this search off. Would it
not be a good idea to allow the user to set this filter (or perhaps the
groupname_attribute) to something like NONE that would tell rlm_ldap not
to bother? Saving one unnecessary search over possibly a large tree could
be worth the bother. To make things easier I have set up the
groupmembership_filter to (objecClass = nosuchclass), this way with
indexing over the object class the negative reply to this search should be
quick enough, but still I would prefer to simply save this extra call.

Perhaps there is some way that I have overlooked?


Dominique LALOT IngÃnieur SystÃme RÃseau CISCAM Pole RÃseau
Università de la MÃditerranÃe http://annuaire.univ-mrs.fr/showuser.php?uid=lalot

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