> > Thor Spruyt wrote:
> >
> > > If you're not more specific about what you're trying to accomplish,
> > > I'm afraid nobody can advise you.
> >
> > Sorry I want to have the freeradius Accounting entry insert into 2
> > database at the same time.
> > Where the 1st DB is for log process and the 2nd DB is for some
> > calculation process (which remove of record is required)
> >
> I would suggest one of two things.  First use radrelay.  This will take
> all accounting details and put it into a text file and then push a copy of
> all the data over to another radius server that can log it in mysql.  So,
> you'd then have two copies in sql.  You setup your radius server to log to
> both sql and a detail file and then use radrelay to forward the accounting
> to another machine that logs to sql.  This will guarentee that all the
> data gets to the other server, even if it goes down.  Read about radrelay
> in doc/radrelay
> The second option is to use replication via mysql.  This is pretty easy to
> setup and what it will do for you is replicate every entry that is stored
> in your primary mysql database to another one.  You can read about that
> here:
> http://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql/en/Replication.html
> Either of those options will probably get you what you want.
> -
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Or do as Kostas said and just add both sql statements to the radiusd.conf.
Overlooked that idea.  That is probably the easiest setup.  Remember you
will need two sql configurations.


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