On Wed, 1 Dec 2004 02:44:23 -0800 (PST), bhalchandra sawant
> Hi,
> After editing clients.conf I again started radius in
> debugging mode i.e. radiusd -X.
> The exact radtest line is as follows :
>  radtest root 123456 spacecable 1812 omeya

Hrm...  Can you post all of the debug output from radiusd from startup
to the point where it's waiting for requests?  It almost sounds like
it's reading some other clients.conf file, or no clients file at all..

My radiusd.conf file has this line :

$INCLUDE  ${confdir}/clients.conf

and ${confdir} is defined as /etc/raddb ...  Perhaps check that?

> ----
> Regards,
> -bs sawant

Jason 'XenoPhage' Frisvold

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