"Panagiotis Mavros" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ok i am sorry that i waste your time with these nonsense but i have spent 3 
> months trying to do something that has no value...

  My suggestion is that next time, you find out more about the
protocol you're trying to modify before working on changing it.  That
will allow you to avoid a lot of questions.

> If you say that this is nonsense read this: we want to send
> accounting packets to radius server, but we dont have proper nas
> equipment.So what did the professor proposed ? Find software that
> creates radius accounting packets (like AXL rad client). Then
> capture EAP Log off messages from Access Point MIB with SNMP to
> triger the software!!!!!!!! How does this sound?!!

  It sounds like your professor doesn't know what he's talking about.

  I'm very sorry that you're in that situation.

> As you can understand the situation is really bad. Dont tell me that what 
> they propose sucks because believe me  i know.  I just want to present 
> something that does what they want. I dont care if it a module or a script. 
> I just want to know what i must do. I am lost in freeradius src code.

  Use Doug's suggestion of writing an external program.  It's by far
and away the simplest method to do it.  That way, you don't have to
look at the FreeRADIUS source at all.

  Alan DeKok.

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