Yes, the NASs are wireless access points on steroids, and they get
bandwidth-throttling information from RADIUS along with

Do you perhaps now the vendor? Is bandwidth throttling the only configuration they get via radius?

Re: the NASs not identifying themselves - yes, I thought that being
to separate requests of one from the other would be another solution.
I couldn't see how to do that - the information you have in front of
you represents the sum total of my experience with RADIUS.  You
mention a NAS that IDs itself, but I don't know what that looks like
- can you forward
an example?  I'll look for examples of that myself, but...this is why
need help, I'm clueless over here.

By configuring a username and password in the accesspoint for example.
That way the NAS sends an access-request with the username and password to the radius server.
The radius server can then 1) uniquely identify the accesspoints, 2) reject unknown accesspoints, 3) give the accesspoint the configuration it needs

Re: guessing at a MAC - you're absolutely correct, but that's a
for down the road.  Right now, I need to be able to add and disable
in one place (as opposed to the ACLs of many different APs).

That's what radius is for :)

Your comments about getting features are well taken.  To date, we've
been operating in "no cost", open-source mode.  I will pass your

Open source has a cost also.
And actively participating in the open source project you're using might help introcude features you need.

Your comments re: "smart" - well, I am trying to learn as I go.  I
haven't had anybody with a working, large scale, scalable RADIUS
implementation invite me into the inner sanctum and show me how it
all fits together. Somehow, I'm not holding my breath for that
one...so resources like this
list are all I've got.

Yeah... it's not easy of course and why would someone that built something great be willing to tell you how he did it for free?


Thor Spruyt
W: www.thor-spruyt.com
M: +32 (0)475 67 22 65
Bestel nu uw exemplaar van Operationele verkoop (Walter Spruyt -
Liesbeth Huysmans) via www.salesguide.be Ontdek de Telenet Hotspot
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