On Tue, 07 Dec 2004 14:44:47 +0000, Neil Craig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi
> Can anyone who has Freeradius running in a production environment
> comment on how stable it is with 100's (1000's?) of users?
> Do you see a marked degradation of service when lots of people are
> authenticating and accounting being sent?
> I have a system set up in a test environment which is running stable
> but only ever has 5 users connecting :)

We have a system running here with thousands of users..  They
definitely don't all connect at once though..  It's been extremely
stable for us (assuming I don't screw up the config file) and I'm
quite happy with it...

We used to run Steel Belted on a Windows box and while steel belted
itself was essentially stable, I got tired of patching windows every
other day and dealing with crashes and whatnot.

I'm extremely happy with freeradius.  We use it in conjunction with
MySQL as the backend storage.  With the recent upgrade to 1.0.1, we're
using SQL for the accounting now as well..  (yay!)

I think, in general, unless you're talking about some special
circumstance where users need to re-authenticate constantly, or a
situation where you have tens of thousands of users, you won't
generally have more than a handful of users connecting at once.  Here,
at least, a radius reply is issued almost instantly, so even if we did
have a few hundred users try to connect all at once, it should only
take a few seconds to get to them all..
> Thanks
> Neil
> -
> List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See http://www.freeradius.org/list/users.html

Jason 'XenoPhage' Frisvold

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