I use Freeradius to manage the autentification and accounting of the
users from terminal server, and access point.
For the users of the terminal server, i use this entry in the file users:

bob     User-Password == "bob",  Huntgroup-Name == "terminal"
          Reply-Message == "Hello, %u"

So the Freeradius uses the user-name and password to check the
identity of the users.
For the users of the terminal server, i use this entry in the file users:

00033d-1abc3d Auth-type := Accept, Huntgroup-Name == "wireless"

I use the mac address as the user name, and don't use the password
because i want to autenticate the users with the mac address (i don't
will set the acl on the access point).
I try use the hintgroups, but this doesn't resolve my problem.
My problem is that if a user that connect to terminal server with the
modem, that has the same mac address of a users of the wireless lan,
he connect to the net anyway.
Perhaps i can use a database (Mysql or Ladp), but if i use only the
file it's better.
I want make a configuration that force Freeradius to use mac address
to authenticate the users that use access point, but that force
Freeradius to use user-name and password to authenticate the users
that use terminal server.


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