л·Ç дµÀ:

To those who encounter the dead-end error :
   radiusd.conf[9] Failed to link to module 'rlm_eap': unknown error
again and again:
The bug comes from rlm_eap.la. The make process introduces some
rubbish into rlm_eap.la's dependency_libs setting ¡ª¡ª '-L/..../libeap'
This works fine on linux but make cygwin lt_dlopenext fail.

the patch is trivial:
src/modules/rlm_eap/Makefile.in line 6

RLM_LIBS    = -Llibeap -leap
RLM_LIBS    = -leap

Sorry but RLM_LIBS should be set to nothing, i.e.

   RLM_LIBS    = -Llibeap -leap
   RLM_LIBS    =

The above is tested on freeradius 1.0.1 release, and should work on earlier versions
as well.

Perhaps few people cares about running freeradius on windows, but It
really will make my debugging life easier.

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