On Mon, 03 Jan 2005 16:01:50 -0500
"Alan DeKok" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Oliver Zimmermann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > But now I have a problem. We added some new querie statements in the 
> > radiusd.conf/sql.conf, which radzap (0.7) can't parse any longer, when 
> > it reads these confs at start-up.
>   So it probably shouldn't be reading the configuration files.
>   The only thing radzap needs from the configuration files is the
> location of the radutmp file, and that can easily be specified on the
> command line of radzap.

No, radzap from 0.7 had no directory-parameters:

radzap [-p acct_port] [-r servername|serverip] termserver [port] [user]

And in radzap from 1.0.0 one can specify the general raddb dir:

# radzap  
Usage: radzap [-d raddb] [-p acct_port] [-r servername|serverip] termserver
[port] [user]


-d raddb        Set the raddb directory (default is /usr/local/etc/raddb)

But that's all not the point. The point is, radzap from 1.0.0 does not work,
due to some socket related problems when a radiusd is running on the machine
(as Luiz Gustavo wrote). And so did the previous versions i know (except 0.7),
which makes me wonder, that only a few people use radzap really. But to kill
lost sessions, radzap is really essential for us and the problem in the C-code
is documented in the beginning of thread.


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