I just foudn out that one of my dialup providers is slowly adding NASs
that only use CHAP. I have FR authing against MySQL with PAP, but now
I have to figure out how to make it auth *either* PAP or CHAP. Is there
a quick pointer that anyone can give me? I've searched the archives,
and googled myself blind, so, if it's there, I'm missing it. I'm hoping
it's as simple as adding another entry for each user to radcheck with
CHAP-Password instead of Crypt-Password...


>> Tim Sailer (at home)             ><  Coastal Internet, Inc.          <<
>> Network and Systems Operations   ><  PO Box 726                      <<
>> http://www.buoy.com              ><  Moriches, NY 11955              <<
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED]/[EMAIL PROTECTED]     ><  (631)399-2910  (888) 924-3728   
>> <<

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