Thanks for the information. What I was missing was the Auth-Type in
Radgroupcheck. That is new to me. I did not have do that with the older
version of Freeradius. When did that change? I did not see any references
to that Auth-Type in any of the docs nor in the archive of the mailing

Again I appreciate the quick response.



At 05:12 PM 1/21/2005, you wrote:

On Fri, 2005-21-01 at 13:52 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I am using Freeradius 1.0.0 on Redhat Enterprise 3 I also have it
> installed on Suse 9.2. I am connecting to Postgres 7.4.6. I can
> authenticate to a users file. But when I try to use radcheck in
> postgres I get login incorrect. I am trying to upgrade from freeradius
> .7.3 running on Solaris 2.8 and postgres 7.3.2. That is working just
> fine. I have created the tables using provided sql script. I
> configured radiusd.conf to use sql authentication. I have compared
> radiusd on the new machine to the radiusd on the old machine. They are
> as identical as they can be considering changes in the conf file. Does
> anybody have any other ideas or know of any isue with current version
> of freeeradius and postgres
> Thanks
> Kevin Waters

Below is some sample data I use for testing PostgreSQL .

The password for troll is skunk {sh1 encrypted} you will
need to generate a redhat linux compatable {des or md5}
password for it to authenticate on an RH system.

NOTE: If you want to use the users file and sql, you
can not have any Auth-Type attributes in your DEFAULT

The data below is supposed to be tab delimited.

--Start of file--
COPY radcheck (username, attribute, op, value) FROM stdin;
fredf   User-Password   ==      wilma
barneyr User-Password   ==      betty
troll   Crypt-Password  ==      $1$A8BotTi4$UTg2XL.fSStI2RFENUfnR.
frog    User-Password   ==      kermit

COPY radgroupcheck (groupname, attribute, op, value) FROM stdin;
ppp-unlimited   Auth-Type       :=      SQL
ppp-static      Auth-Type       :=      SQL
nas-prompt      Auth-Type       :=      SQL

COPY radgroupreply (groupname, attribute, op, value) FROM stdin;
ppp-unlimited   Framed-Compression      :=      Van-Jacobsen-TCP-IP
ppp-unlimited   Framed-Protocol :=      PPP
ppp-unlimited   Service-Type    :=      Framed-User
ppp-unlimited   Framed-MTU      :=      1500
ppp-static      Framed-Compression      :=      Van-Jacobsen-TCP-IP
ppp-static      Framed-Protocol :=      PPP
ppp-static      Service-Type    :=      Framed-User
ppp-static      Framed-MTU      :=      1500
nas-prompt      Framed-MTU      :=      1500
nas-prompt      Framed-Compression      :=      Van-Jacobson-TCP-IP
nas-prompt      Service-Type    :=      NAS-Prompt

COPY radreply (username, attribute, op, value) FROM stdin;
barneyr Framed-IP-Address       :=
barneyr Framed-IP-Netmask       :=

COPY usergroup (username, groupname) FROM stdin;
fredf   ppp-unlimited
barneyr ppp-static
troll   ppp-unlimited
frog    nas-prompt

--End of file--

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