> Hello Freeradius users,
> Have anyone a good example of failover mysql config (radiusd.conf)?
> I want to use SQL1, if it's down, try SQL2.
> I reed the configurable_failover document but it don't work, or not 
> understanding.
> If now one of my mysql server go down, radius server work slow and failt many 
> times to login.
> Please help me...

Read doc/configurable_failover, it will show you how.

I'm doing it with ldap, but it should be pretty much the same.  First,
make sure you have two sql configurations.  So, in sql.conf, change this

sql {

to this

sql sql1 {

then at the end of the file, start a new one and name it something else,
like this

sql sql2 {
copy all the stuff from sql1 here and modify to point to the other server
} #don't forget to close it with this

Then in raidusd.conf use configurable_failover options.

Here is how I do it with ldap

authorize {
  redundant {
    notfound = return

I imaging you would just change that to something like

  redundant {

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