On Fri, 28 Jan 2005 19:25:56 -0800, Justin LaVelle
> High CPU load, on accounting only server.
> It using all available CPU, and not keeping up with what's being sent to
> it.
> It's a P3 900Mhz. Fedora Core 3, freeradius 1.0.1 installed from "yum
> install".
> I'm accepting radius accounting data from several Redback SMS1800s (7 in
> total)
> I'm just logging to the plain text detail file. Peaked at about 20MB per
> hour of detail logs.

That's not a lot at all...  If there was a bottleneck, I would expect
it to be i/o based, not cpu based...

Have you tried re-compiling the rpm?
> I didn't think logging this would be very cpu intensive.
> Is this just too high a load that needs a more powerful system, or is
> there some processing of the incoming data that may be going on that I
> can disable?

I presume you've tried restarting radius, as well as a complete reboot?

> -- Justin

Jason 'XenoPhage' Frisvold

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