
> >The problem seems to be, again, that even one adds
> >> >--with-ltdl-lib=/opt/csw/share/libtool/libltdl
> >> >--with-ltdl-include=/opt/csw/share/libtool/libltdl
> >"make" does not seem to care about it.
> I've found this to be the case with several (if not all) of the
> --with-BLAH-lib and with --with-BLAH-include options.

A relatively easy way around that problem would be to use
 CFLAGS="relevant -I options" LDFLAGS="relevant -L and -l options" ./configure 

That way, you can even reorder the libs as necessary, as I found necessary
e.g. with 1.0.0 to get OpenSSL stuff compiled in (the default configure
script would try to compile stuff with -lcrypto -lssl which fails at least
for static libs, while "-lssl -lcrypto" in LDFLAGS telled configure to do
the right thing).


P.S.: Of course, fixing the configure script for 1.0.2 as needed would
        be really nice, I just thought I'd mention that there's an easier
        way to get things to work right now than editing generated

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