
> I've got this in the radtest
>         Vendor-32767-Attr-1 = 0x4d656d626572
>         Idle-Timeout = 300

Interesting approach. Maybe it's really worth adding support for
such syntax (if it doesn't exist) if someone just doesn't want to add
vendor attributes to the dictionary. OTOH, it's rather unreadable.

> Anyone know if I'm on the right track?

I guess not, unless I didn't notice a matching feature of FreeRadius,
yet. The normal way to proceed is to include the Nocat dictionary
in the FreeRadius dictionary (essentially copy the NoCat file in a
suitable diretory and add an "include 'name of Nocat dictionary file'"
in the main dictionary file of FreeRadius (have a look at dictionary
and one of the files included in the configuration you get OOTB and
you'll see how it works).

Then, simply use the attribute name as specified in the dictionary
file, i.e. "Nocat-Groups" instead of "Vendor-23767-Attr-1".


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