Title: configure for rlm_ldap on Solaris

Hi List,

I've done some more investigation into why configure doesn't work out of the box on Solaris for rlm_ldap.

I've found the reason, now I need to find a solution, hopefully with someone's help...

By default, Solaris comes with ldap include files in /usr/include. However, rlm_ldap doesn't compile with these headers out of the box, as there are missing defines...

We are using openLDAP, and therefore I have specified --with-rlm-ldap-include-dir and --with-rlm-ldap-lib-dir to configure to point to my openLDAP installation (which is not in /usr/local).

It appears that the rlm_ldap configure script finds the /usr/include ldap headers, which are enough to pass the configure compile tests. However, what this means is that configure says "I don't need the --with-rlm-ldap-include-dir directory", and doesn't add it to the CFLAGS in the Makefile.

Since Solaris doesn't have a liblber.so, the configure correctly uses the --with-rlm-ldap-lib-dir (as openLDAP does have the liblber.so).

So, my problem now, is that I don't have enough knowledge to immediately say "here's how to fix configure". Or even if there's anything that can be done to make the configure script work "out of the box" for Solaris.

Any help to fix this for future releases would be greatly appreciated...

Sure, its easy to get around it, but it would be nice (for freeRADIUS) if it worked out of the box...

Sorry this was so long winded!



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