"Leon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Trying to authenicate thru firwalls on client and Server side.  I can
> authenicate inside the server firewall with out problem.  I can authenicate
> outside the server firewall from a dialup account.  So no firewall there.
> When I try to authenicate from inside my client firewall though I get
> nothing.

  RADIUS depends on the client IP.  With a firewall, you probably have
to list the IP of the firewall.

> I have the proper IP's configured in clients.conf. I know this because I get
> an "Ignoring request from unknown client" error in the radius log with the
> entry out.

  Ok... if you list that IP in "clients.conf" it should work.

> I have tried both Solaris (java) clients and Windows clients.  Both get no
> response from server and no entries in the server log.

  If the server prints *nothing* in debugging mode, then it isn't
seeing the request.  If it does print something, then running it in
debugging mode will tell you what went wrong.

  Alan DeKok.

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