Take a look at the safe-characters configuration item in sql.conf and the sql modules.

The '=' in "h323-ivr-out=ACCESSCODE:00800112233" is being encoded by rlm_sql before the record is inserted into the database...

I don't use Postgres, so including '=' in the safe-characters, however, may have undesired effects on your sql statements/database... You might have to do some testing if noone else can answer that question. There must be a reason it was left out of safe-characters in the first place...


Alp Uyanik wrote:

variables takes 3D at the beginning of the content
for example;
the variable *h323-ivr-out *returns* 3D*ACCESSCODE:00800112233 but it should be *ACCESSCODE:00800112233 *
is there any opinion about this problem?
thank you for your help...

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