
I had no problem using ldap/ building freeradius with 1.0.1 but I am
having problems with ./configure --with-edir on freeradius 1.0.2 .
(Happens with out the --with-edir)

The rlm_ldap.so objects are not being created, the warnings during 
./configure --with-edir 2>log.txt are listed below.

Please note I do have liblber-2.2.so.7.08 & liblber-2.2.so.7 in my
/usr/lib directory  as required by my ldap client. They are in my
library path, I have run ldconfig just to make sure. Still nothing

What argument should I pass to configure so that it can find these
libraries. If all else what should i tweak in
/src/modules/rlm_ldap/configure ????????



configure: warning: silently not building rlm_counter.
configure: warning: FAILURE: rlm_counter requires:  libgdbm.
configure: warning: FAILURE: rlm_dbm requires:  (ndbm.h or gdbm/ndbm.h
or gdbm-ndbm.h) (libndbm or libgdbm or libgdbm_compat).
configure: warning: silently not building rlm_dbm.
configure: warning: silently not building rlm_ippool.
configure: warning: FAILURE: rlm_ippool requires:  libgdbm.
configure: warning: the comm_err library isn't found!
configure: warning: silently not building rlm_krb5.
configure: warning: FAILURE: rlm_krb5 requires:  krb5.
configure: warning: silently not building rlm_ldap.
configure: warning: FAILURE: rlm_ldap requires:  liblber.
configure: warning: silently not building rlm_pam.
configure: warning: FAILURE: rlm_pam requires:  libpam.
configure: warning: iodbc headers not found.  Use
configure: warning: sql submodule 'iodbc' disabled
configure: warning: mysql headers not found.  Use
configure: warning: sql submodule 'mysql' disabled
configure: warning: silently not building rlm_sql_postgresql.
configure: warning: FAILURE: rlm_sql_postgresql requires:  libpq-fe.h libpq.
configure: warning: oracle headers not found.  Use
configure: warning: sql submodule 'oracle' disabled
configure: warning: unixODBC headers not found.  Use
configure: warning: sql submodule 'unixodbc' disabled

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