> From: Dennis Comeaux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: freeradius-users@lists.freeradius.org
> Subject: Re: With-edir in 1.02 / Novell eDirectory
> Reply-To: freeradius-users@lists.freeradius.org
> Believe it or not, I have found the information.  The i-Manager plug
> in is the file radius_npm.tar.gz.  This file is on the
You are correct. This is the iManager plug in.
> forge.novell.com site and is placed in a manner that mislead me into
> believing that it was not the imanager plugin required for freeradius.
> We're actually planning on using freeradius 1.02 with edirectory in a
> production environment.  I'll post any gotchas to the list and help in
> any way that I can.
> Thanks,
> Dennis
> On Thu, 17 Feb 2005 08:58:44 -0600, Dennis Comeaux
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Novell has worked with the most recent release of freeradius to
> > include support for eDirectory.   (Thank you, Novell.)
> > 
> > Up until now I've only been able to make freeradius work with
> > eDirectory over clear text ldap on TCP:389.
> > 
> > We really want to have freradius connect via ldaps on TCP:636.   I
> > have been able to get freeradius to work over ldaps with openldap, but
> > not with edirectory.
You need to extract the Self Signed Certificate of the certificate authority 
in base64 format.
In the ldap module section of radiusd.conf set the following options.
port = 636
tls_mode = yes 
tls_cacertfile = <path to self signed cert>

You should be able to connect to edirectory via ldaps.
For more information you can refer to the "Integrating Novell eDirectory
with FreeRADIUS Administration Guide" at the following location:

> > The new integration with edirectory (compile with --with-edir) is
> > supposed to work.  However Novell has not distributed the Radius
> > plug-in for iManager (it's locked away on their beta servers).  Does
> > ANYONE here know of a way to get ahold of this plug-in?  I've
> > contacted some fairly high level engineers at Novell and for several
> > days we haven't been able to get the plug-in.
> > 
> > I can only assume that the developers from novell and those of you who
> > develop for free-radius have some information that my sources don't
> > about this plug-in.  There's a link to the plug-in on the open source
> > site forge.novell.com so I'm hoping that this plug-in is GPL.
> > 
> > BTW - You coders have built a ROCK SOLID product.  I have no idea how
> > you manage to do this and still keep a day job.
> >

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