Do you happen to be using the 64 bit version of FreeRadius from the RPM? If so 
I found it horribly broken. To fix it I:

1. Installed the RPM source.
2. Unbzipped the source.
3. Went into the file and modified one line to read: 
LIBLTDL         = /usr/lib64/
4. Re-bzipped the source
5. Went to the SPEC directory and ran rpmbuild -bb freeradius.spec
6. I then instaled the 2 created packages
7. Upon starting FreeRadius in debug mode I received an error about a missing module so I found the module in the compiled source, copied it 
into /usr/lib/freeradius and linked it to The missing so should 
be named rlm_eap-XXX.soU with XXX being the version you are building.

I have reported this bug to SuSE. I assumed that the 32-bit worked fine since 
another user on the list I was in communication with off-line reported his 
was working correctly.

Since, I also got the SuSE 9.2 RPM working on SuSE 9.1 I will include the more 
detailed instructions below:
Well I just got mine working on SuSE 9.1 64 bit. It was one heck of a hack, 
and probably not done in the correct way, but this is what I did:

1. I grabbed the 9.2 source rpm: freeradius-1.0.0-5.4.src.rpm

2. I ran rpm build --rebuild freeradius-1.0.0-5.4.src.rpm to learn 
dependencies. I installed the dependencies I could off of the 9.1 
distribution. From the 9.2 distribution I installed: libnscd-1.0-2.x86_64.rpm 
and libzio-0.1-4-0.1-4.x86_64.rpm.

3. I thought I had other issues so I also installed libtool-1.5.8-3.x86_64.rpm 
and libtool-32bit-9.2-200410061204.x86_64.rpm but they are probably not 
required from 9.2.

4. I installed the source rpm.

5. I went into /usr/src/packages/SOURCES and bunzipped 

6. I cd'ed into the freeradius- directory and in I modified 
the variable LIBLTDL to: LIBLTDL         = /usr/lib64/

7. I re-bzipped the directory so the change was stored in the bzipped file.

8. I cd'ed into the /usr/src/packages/SPEC/ directory and ran: 
rpmbuild -bb freeradius.spec

9. I cd'ed into /usr/src/packages/RPMS/x86_64 and installed the 2 created 

10. eap was still broken so I cd'ed into /usr/src/packages/BUILD/

11. I copied rlm_eap-1.0.0.soU to /usr/lib/freeradius

12. I cd'ed into /usr/lib/freeradius and did a ln -s rlm_eap-1.0.0.soU

I certainly feel your pain since I went through the same for 3 weeks before I 
finally realized it was definately in the FreeRadius RPM. I will state once 
again, before anyone points out the obvious, that there are certainly 
cleaner, better ways to fix the RPM and to submit the patches to Novell. 
However, I am not that good of a code hacker and know only enough of the RPM 
system to make it work.

On Thursday 17 February 2005 19:05, Seferovic Edvin wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> this is my last hope to get my project up and running....
> I have to linux boxes ( both SuSE 9.1 ). One has LDAP, MySQL and RADIUS
> running. When I test the configuration on this machine with radtest,
> everything works fine. As soon as I try to auth from this other machine, it
> fails. I have entered the right data into clients.conf file on "server"
> machine, but I always get garbage as my password ( which leads to failure
> while binding to ldap ). I have also changed the file called "servers" in
> /etc/radiusclient on this "client" machine.
> ---------------------------------------------
> --------------------------------------
> I   LDAP / MYSQL / RADIUS  I  ------------------------------ I LINUX w.
> radclient         I
> ---------------------------------------------
> ---------------------------------------
> I always get the error message "shared secret is incorrect", although I
> changed all shared secrets that I know of. Is there any hidden file that
> contains shared secret that I missed?
> Thank You in advance
> Edvin Seferovic

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