I just wrote a Perl service hook for the Billmax billing and provision to
use freeradius with MySQL. I am releasing this under GPL. I hope someone
else will be able to use it as I found it very helpful. Just trying to give
back. Any questions about this script type --help as a switch. Email me if
you find bugs or have problems. Thanks for FreeRadius!!!

# This is the radius add coded by Dustin Wish
# for INDCO.Net on 02/22/05 for Billmax
# Billing system  email:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
# Under the GPL license! IT's FREE!!!
use Getopt::Long;
use DBI;
use strict;

my %table_hash;  #this will be used to store the list of db(s)/table(s) we
need to back up
my @commands;  #this will be the list of mysqldump commands to execute
my ($dbname,$dsn,$dbh,$base_command,$command);  #various vars we should
# set the defaults for the options array
my %options = (name=>'',action=>'create',pass=>'',host=>'localhost',
my $actions;

#see if the user wants a list of their options.
if(($#ARGV >= 0) && $ARGV[0] eq "--help") {
                "# addraduser.pl   Ver 0.1 for FreeRadius and Billmax on
                "# By Dustin Wish, released under permission from\n",
                "# INDCO.Net, Batesville AR.  Modify it to your hearts
                "# If you make a usefull addition, feel free to distribute
it as long as this\n",
                "# help message remains intact.  This software comes with NO
WARRANTY and if it\n",
                "# blows up your system, it's not my fault!!! :-)\n",
                "# \n",
                "# addraduser.pl is a script to add, edit, remove users from
FreeRadius for\n",
                "# BillMax -- all rights and trademarks reserved by their
own parties.\n",
                "# For locking and performance issues I have added a table
to the radius MySQL\n",
                "# structure called changed. I did this to keep track of
changes made to the db\n",
                "# and to only do inserts and deletes. The create for this
table is:\n",
                "#      # Database: radius\n",
                "#      # Table: 'changed'\n",
                "#      # \n",
                "#      CREATE TABLE `changed` (\n",
                "#        `changedID` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,\n",
                "#        `currentusername` varchar(100) NOT NULL default
                "#        `newusername` varchar(100) NOT NULL default
                "#        `reason` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',\n",
                "#        `createdate` timestamp(14) NOT NULL,\n",
                "#        PRIMARY KEY  (`changedID`)\n",
                "#      ) TYPE=MyISAM; \n",
                " Usage:  mybackup [OPTIONS] \n",
                "\t-n, --name=\t\tUsername of radius user\n",
                "\t-a, --action=\t\tDefines the servive action to perform:
                "\t             create: it adds new radius user \n",
                "\t             delete: removes radius user\n",
                "\t             suspend: suspends their account\n",
                "\t             enable: reenables their account\n",
                "\t             rename: renames the user login\n",
                "\t             update: updates the password \n",
                "\t-r, --rename=\t\tNew User name\n",
                "\t-p, --pass=\t\tPassword for radius user\n",
                "\t-h, --host=\t\tHost to connect to. Default=localhost\n",
                "\t-d, --database=\t\tDatabase to select from.
                "\t-u, --user=\t\tUser to conect as.  Default=root\n",
                "\t-l, --login=\t\tPassword to connect to DB. Default is

# Read in the options

        "name|n=s"              =>      \$options{name},
        "action|a=s"            =>      \$options{action},
        "rename|r=s"            =>      \$options{rename},
        "pass|p=s"              =>      \$options{pass},
        "host|h=s"              =>      \$options{host},
        "database|d=s"          =>      \$options{db},
        "user|u=s"              =>      \$options{user},
        "login|l:s"             =>      \$options{login},


#connect to the db.. couldn't see how to use dbi without selecting a dbname
so I used mysql..
$dsn = "DBI:mysql:host=$options{host};dbname=radius";
$dbh = DBI->connect($dsn, $options{user}, $options{login}) || die "Could not
connect to database: $DBI::errstr";

# check for options pass to script

$actions = $options{action};

        if ($actions eq "create"){
                my ($dbname) = shift;
                my ($sth,$query);  #scope local variables.

                $query = "Insert into radcheck(UserName,Attribute,Value)
Values ('$options{name}','password','$options{pass}')";
                #print $query;
                $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
                if($sth) {
                        #call finish.. make perl happy..
        elsif ($actions eq "delete"){

                my ($dbname) = shift;
                my ($sth,$delquery);  #scope local variables.

                $delquery = "Insert into changed(currentusername,reason)
Values ('$options{name}','removal')";
                $sth = $dbh->prepare($delquery);
                $delquery = '';
                $delquery = "delete from radcheck where UserName =
                $sth = $dbh->prepare($delquery);
                if($sth) {
                        #call finish.. make perl happy..
        elsif ($actions eq "enable"){

                my ($dbname) = shift;
                my ($sth,$delquery);  #scope local variables.

                $delquery = "Insert into changed(currentusername,reason)
Values ('$options{name}','reenabled')";
                $sth = $dbh->prepare($delquery);
                $delquery = '';
                $delquery = "Insert into radcheck(UserName,Attribute,Value)
Values ('$options{name}','password','$options{pass}')";
                $sth = $dbh->prepare($delquery);
                if($sth) {
                        #call finish.. make perl happy..
        elsif ($actions eq "disable"){

                my ($dbname) = shift;
                my ($sth,$delquery);  #scope local variables.

                $delquery = "Insert into changed(currentusername,reason)
Values ('$options{name}','disabled')";
                $sth = $dbh->prepare($delquery);
                $delquery = '';
                $delquery = "delete from radcheck where UserName =
                $sth = $dbh->prepare($delquery);
                if($sth) {
                        #call finish.. make perl happy..
        elsif ($actions eq "rename"){

                my ($dbname) = shift;
                my ($sth,$delquery);  #scope local variables.

                $delquery = "Insert into
changed(currentusername,newusername,reason) Values
                $sth = $dbh->prepare($delquery);
                $delquery = '';
                $delquery = "delete from radcheck where UserName =
                $sth = $dbh->prepare($delquery);
                $delquery = '';
                $delquery = "Insert into radcheck(UserName,Attribute,Value)
Values ('$options{name}','password','$options{pass}')";
                $sth = $dbh->prepare($delquery);
                if($sth) {
                        #call finish.. make perl happy..
        elsif ($actions eq "update"){

                my ($dbname) = shift;
                my ($sth,$delquery);  #scope local variables.
                $delquery = "delete from radcheck where UserName =
                $sth = $dbh->prepare($delquery);
                $delquery = '';
                $delquery = "Insert into radcheck(UserName,Attribute,Value)
Values ('$options{name}','password','$options{pass}')";
                $sth = $dbh->prepare($delquery);
                if($sth) {
                        #call finish.. make perl happy..
        }else {print "Error: No action supplied!"}

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