Hi All

> Sorry for the incomplete mail. I have a mail server and a couple of 
> application servers inside my network. The RAS and VPN user ID and 
> passwords are same. I want to restrict the user, once he is connected 
> to VPN, to only use the mail and only one application server. Rest of 
> the network must be denied to the user.

  One, you completely ignored my answer:

> >What resources, and how will you recognize the two classes of users?
> >Answer those two questions via RADIUS attributes, and you have what
> >you want.

  Two, now that you've explained it in a little more detail, what you
want is *routing* or *firewall* restrictions.  I suggest reading the
documentation for your router/firewall to see how they implement it.

I understand that this can be done using RADIUS attributes using Framed-
Filter-Id. Here are my configs.
Huntgroups File:
ras             NAS-IP-Address == 100.200.300.400
ras             NAS-IP-Address ==
                User-Name = mahesh
                User-Name = kudva

Users File:
mahesh             User-Password == "kudva", Huntgroup-Name == "ras"
                   Service-Type = Framed-User,
                   Framed-Protocol = PPP
                   Framed-Filter-Id == "std.in"

std.in file:
deny ip

Is there a specific syntax for the file? Also wireless clients inside the 
orgazination will have to be authorized in the similar fashion. 

Regards & Thanks
Mahesh S Kudva

Robosoft Technologies - Partners in Product Development

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