Hello ,

In the past, i had one server radius and acounnting was
configured . No problem

No, I would like to have :

Proxy radius (it just proxy all request to other radius)
                 -> Primary radius
                 -> Secondary radius
                 -> Default Radius

In order to setup the proxy radius on the same pc,i have paste
all my conf file of the server radius in a new directory and i
have just modify : raddbdir to change the directory of the
files for my new proxy radius. Nothing else to change for
accounting ?

The prmary radius is already started and when i launch the
proxy radius (with radiusd -d /proxy -x), it tells me that
permission was denied on users, db.daily etc... there are all
permissions on these files.  Why ?

When i comment all the line of  accounting, it works fine !
i would like to know why it d'oenst work with accounting

What i have to do in order to have all accounting ?

make accounting on proxy or accounting on primary ? help me

welcome for your suggestion
Nans delrieu

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