Hell Justin.

Dne Äetrtek 24 februar 2005 15:36 je Justin Guidroz napisal(a):
> TTLS + PAP has worked for me out of the box with FreeRADIUS.  The only
> changes I have made to the EAP settings is to point FreeRADIUS to my
> server certificates.  The server does the rest.

There is more to seting up things than just to make something "work".
What about disabling other authentication methods ?
Routing of accounting packets ?
Anonymous username handling ?
Logging network usage to the database ?
.. and much more :).

If you attitude is: "I just changed something and software did the rest", you 
better off running your freeradius under the Cygwin ;))).

lep pozdrav,
Rok PapeÅ.

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