Hi my situation is freeradius give the switch wrong attribute parameters.

The “users” config file says:

Username  Auth-Type == EAP, User-Password == “xxx”
    Framed-Type = Framed,
    Tunnel-Medium-Type:1 = 6,
    Tunnel-Type:1 = 13,
    Tunnel-Private-Group-ID:1 = 13

on freeradius debuging I can see:

Sending Acces-Accept of id 59 to xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:1812
    Tunnel-Medium-Type:1 =  IEEE-802
    Tunnel-Type:1 = VLAN
    Tunnel-Private-Group-Id = “13”

and that’s the problem. I think the Tunnel-Private-Group-Id is not more an

The Switch Radius Debug

04:57:06:         Attribute 65 6 01000006
04:57:06:         Attribute 64 6 0100000D
04:57:06:         Attribute 81 5 0131334F

Attribute 65 and 64 are ok but Attribute 81 is the problem

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