In the freedom radius.log, will it will be normal to have double entries for every login?

Is there a way to have only one?

Bob Ross

Alan DeKok wrote:

Radius <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

In hints
other Suffix = "", Strip-User-Name = No

Delete this entire entry from "hints". It's not needed.

in realms nostrip,hints

Delete that line. The "realms" file should no longer be used.

In users at the top of the file

DEFAULT Realm == ""

This does nothing. Delete it.

 You appear to be trying to configure the same thing in multiple
places.  There's no need.

 Then, run the server in debugging mode, and send it a request for
"[EMAIL PROTECTED]", and see what happens.  Read the output of
debugging mode...

 Alan DeKok.

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