On Mon, 14 Mar 2005, [iso-8859-1] Benoît Bianchi wrote:

> I’m desperately trying to get LDAP attributes sent back to NAS without any
> success...
> I've add RADIUS-LDAPv3.schema to my LDAP schema, and set radiusClass
> attribute for my test user.
> I can do successful authentication but the value of this attribute is never
> sent back by freeradius to the NAS ...

radiusd -X output would be helpful so we can see what is happening.

But, did you have that value in ldap.attrmap, such as?

replyItem       Class   radiusClass

Then in ldap you would have

dn: uid=user...
radiusClass: someclass

or in the Cisco VPN world, they like it like this

radiusClass: "OU=somedomain.com;"

Please post radiusd -X output, along with an example ldif of your user and
your ldap.attrmap setting showing that you are setting radiusclass as a
reply item.

Hope that helps.

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