> -----Original Message-----
> From: Alan DeKok
> Sent: Saturday, March 12, 2005 5:21 PM
>   The server does log that, just not where you want.

hmm, being quite database driven when talking about logs, that's indeed my 
problem then ;)

> > Isn't there any variable I can use in sql.conf to log the 
> messages I get
> > in radius.log ("Login incorrect Home server says so", "Auth: Outside
> > allowed timespan" etc.) in either radacct or radpostauth ?
>   No.  What needs to happen is that the server core "log" function
> needs to be updated to call a module for logging.  This is NOT part of
> the normal request processing.

I definitely won't mess around with the sourcecode, but it would be a really 
nice feature for a future version to have this info available in a variable at 
least in the post-auth query because it'd make a perfekt "Failed Auth" table 
for the helpdesk.
I know about the log_badlogins from dialup_admin but it somehow broken, depends 
on running through the radius.log with all the drawbacks (log-rotation, 
probably performance..) and I'm no big friends of perl-scripts parsing logs to 
fill a table more or less reliable with data that's already reliable & 
available otherwise..
For now I can live with tail'ing the radius.log..


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