Vladimir Vuksan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Apparently I am missing something since it is not working. FreeRADIUS is 
> 1.1.0-pre0 snapshot from 20050311. Client is Mac OS X laptop. I was able 
> to get the client going with users file and plain text passwords.


> I got following in radiusd.conf
>         pap {
>                 encryption_scheme = md5

  The docmentation for the PAP module says you don't have to do that.
Please read it.

> authorize {
>         eap
>         ldap
> }

  I don't see why you've deleted most of the configuration that the
server uses.  Do you understand HOW the default configuration works?
If not, don't edit it.

>   TTLS: Got tunneled request
>         User-Name = "testuser"
>         MS-CHAP-Challenge = 0x11e51e2be2b881db5d0d71d23265ebc6
>         MS-CHAP2-Response = 

  <sigh> I have three problems here:

  1) The tunneled session is MS-CHAP, not PAP.  The server is telling
you this in the debug messages!  I don't understand why you are asking
about TTLS + PAP when you're using TTLS + MSCHAP.  Please do not post
misleading messages to the list.

  2) This would work in the default configuration, if you did nothing
more than configure a clear-text password for the user.

> rlm_ldap: performing search in dc=domain,dc=com, with filter (uid=testuser)
> rlm_ldap: looking for check items in directory...
> rlm_ldap: looking for reply items in directory...

  3) you didn't configure a clear-text password like I told you to.
In your case, you should have configured it in LDAP.

  4) LDAP servers don't do MS-CHAP authentication.  What you are
trying to do is impossible.

  In the future, please describe what you're actually doing, and
follow the instructions given on this list.

  Alan DeKok.

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