Scott Edwards <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Config:   including file: /etc/freeradius/includes/radiusdconf/clients.conf
> config: No such entry confdir for string ${confdir}/clients.conf
> Errors reading radiusd.conf

  Hmm... that's defined in the normal configuration files, and it
works there.

> The huge radiusd.conf drives me a little batty when trying to
> configure it, so I spent the matter of some time to split up each
> section (including modules) into separate configs.  This way I can
> comment, say ldap out in a single line, and know it's not being used.

  Ah.  You've edited the configuration files and now they don't work.
The solution would appear to be for you to NOT edit the configuration

> Anyway, I'm now presented with the problem of string definitions not
> being available in included files.  Having used Apache's XSSI module
> for some time, I assumed freeradius would propagate the namespace into
> whatever you're including. (AFAIK, mod_macro does the same).  I
> realise freeradius isn't Apache, but these behaivors IMO should be the
> same.

  The default configuration works.  The 'confdir' definition is
available in all included files in the default config.

  I suggest you re-vist your editing process.

  Alan DeKok.

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