On Thursday 14 April 2005 12:05, Hoppál Felicián wrote:
> On Thu, 14 Apr 2005, Kevin Bonner wrote:
> > Do you have the net-snmp-devel RPM installed?
> yes

Any messages during the build about snmp?  Check the config.log file, or the 
output from configure.

Your debug messages not showing up might mean that WITH_SNMP isn't defined in 
src/include/autoconf.h or that snmp isn't set to yes in radiusd.conf.  Check 
both of these and run radius in debug mode (-X) again.

Thinking about this some more ...

You're using Net-SNMP in RHAS4.  FreeRADIUS 1.0.2 doesn't have the net-snmp 
compatibility fix.  You can find the patch at

Apply that patch, rebuild, and it should work.

Kevin Bonner

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