On Mon, 18 Apr 2005, guest01 wrote:


Thxs for the fast reply!!

Ok, user steve (the one with the Auth-Type := Local) exists only for
testing purposes. With user-data in die local users file, the
nas-identifier works!!!!

So, I don't know why radius ignores my ldap data ...

Thxs for you help!

best regards

user testuser (defined in the ldap) with userpassword


radiusProfileDn: uid=testuser,ou=radius,dc=myserver,dc=local
     isVPNUser: TRUE
           uid: testuser
   objectClass: myserverUser
  userPassword: 123456

               uid: testuser
                cn: testuser
       objectClass: radiusprofile
radiusNASIdentifier: vpn

So the user should be allowed to authenticate because of the
different radiusNASIdentifier (NAS-Identifier chilli is the
right one!)

I would suggest using the checkval module to achieve that.

-- Kostas Kalevras Network Operations Center [EMAIL PROTECTED] National Technical University of Athens, Greece Work Phone: +30 210 7721861 'Go back to the shadow' Gandalf

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