Hello everyone, I am having an issue with radrelay and wanted to run it through the list. I have googled the list but not found anything with an error like this.


First off I would like to go over what I am trying to do on the box to see if I am close on this one.


I have FreeRadius 1.0.1 Running on a server “ports 1812-13” that has a second radius daemon “Merit radius ports 1645-46” running on it for the sole purpose of receiving accounting data for my billing application that also runs on the same box. I could tell all of my NAS gear to send accounting to the second daemon running on 1646 but I want to get all of the auth and accounting data into Freeradius so I can use Dialup Admin. What I want to do is run radrelay to send the accounting data from the Freeradius daemon to the Merit daemon but I keep getting a secret too short error.


I declare the base freeradius accounting directory with the –a and my base freeradius config directory with the –d, I then issue a –S to read the secret from the clients file.


So I end up with a command looking like this….


/usr/local/bin/radrelay -a /var/log/radius/raddact -d /etc/raddb/ \ -S /path/to/clients.conf –r localhost:1646 detail combined


And I get…   Secret in /path/toMerit/clients is to short.


 Any Ideas? I was unaware of any length requirement.  







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