Hi again..

First thanks to Alan, and sorry if my previous question had been already asked

Now, I downloaded the 1.0.x branch from CVS, compiled it and
configured it exactly like I had the 1.0.1 running with mysql for

Killed the 1.0.1 and started the new one, and the braces characters on
usernames started being encoded or something, instead of appearing "["
it appeared "=5B" and instead of "]" it appeared "=5D". The problem
seems exactly the same as in:


The same, the problem is only at database level, logs appear ok.

Now, it's not a database problem, since it's exactly the same mysql
server I used with 1.0.1, using the same database. Moreover, after I
saw this problem, I killed the new radiusd, and started the 1.0.1
again, and braces started being inserted ok.

Should I add these characters to safe-characters in sql.conf??
If this is the case, why did this beheaviour change between 1.0.1 and
current CVS?

Thanks again,


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