
sorry, i still confuse with user max-daily-session, how can radius
reject the user if user have over quota ?
maybe anybody knows how to make a simple script like :

"if sum_sess_time > than radgroupcheck.value than reject"

ugh, i have follow the rlm_sqlcounter manual, also follow radkill
instruction but the exceed user time still can use my internet access
:(( is there something wrong with my config i've paste before ?

mysql> select * from radgroupcheck;
| id | GroupName | Attribute       | op | Value |
|  1 | c         | Max-All-Session | := | 360   |
|  2 | d         | Max-All-Session | := | 360   |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from radcheck;
| id | UserName | Attribute     | op | Value |
|  1 | aw       | Password      | == | aw    |
|  2 | avudz    | Password      | == | avudz |
|  3 | ampun    | User-Password | := | ampun |
|  4 | joko     | User-Password | := | joko  |
|  5 | gede     | User-Password | := | gede  |
|  6 | a        | User-Password | := | a     |
|  8 | b        | User-Password | := | b     |
|  9 | c        | User-Password | := | c     |
| 11 | d        | User-Password | := | d     |
9 rows in set (0.00 sec)

here is user 'd' information from dialup_admin

Connections 9
Online time 54 minutes, 25 seconds 
Failed Logins 0 
Upload 83.40 KBs 
Download 39.32 KBs 
Average Time 6 minutes, 2 seconds 
Average Upload 9.27 KBs 
Average Download 4.37 KBs 

the user can still online ever i have limit it to 360 second

and this also from radkill log :

[EMAIL PROTECTED] radkill]# radwho
Login      Name              What  TTY  When      From      Location
d          d                 shell S0   Sat 14:52 20x.x8.x9
[EMAIL PROTECTED] radkill]# ./radkill

[EMAIL PROTECTED] radkill]# more /usr/local/dialupadmin/htdocs/radkill.txt
Sat Apr 23 14:47:02 WIT 2005
 Online     : 0         Preferred: 1            Absolute: 1
 Next to Die:           Last Kill: ###NONE###
 Guar   Used    Rem     Max     Min     Port    User            Location
 ----   ----    ---     ---     ---     ----    ----            --------

# more radkill.conf
# Config file for radkill by Jason Straight                                   #
# USERLIMIT where nn is a maximum # of users allowed online before
# radkill starts terminating connections.
# format is: username:timelimit:minimum
# timelimit is the max time username can stay on for one session
# minimum is the minimum amount of time a user can be online before being kicked
# when USERLIMIT is met.
# Setting a users limits to over 9999 and minimum to over 9999 makes that user a
# priority user that will NEVER get kicked
# username @ is default user, any usernames not specified in this file will
# acquire user @'s setting values.

# RadiusUsersFile:/usr/local/etc/raddb/users

### users and settings ###
### username:timelimit:minimum:getmailtime:mailafter:maxlogins:lockoutduration 

# ps ax | grep radkill
26983 pts/0    S      0:00 tclsh ./radkill

*confuse* the most important i hope from radius is access limiting :-)
pls advice.

Best regards,

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