Title: Can I run two freeradius daemons on the same machine?
I think this must be possible if you run each on different ports.

Ernesto Freyre Ramírez
Jefe de Operaciones
Soluciones Tecnológicas

Av. Paseo de la República 4675 - Lima 34
Telf.: (511) 241-4122 Anexo 2245
Fax: (511) 446-8135

Visítenos en: www.qnet.com.pe

----- Original Message -----
From: Brian Gao
Sent: Friday, April 22, 2005 2:56 PM
Subject: Can I run two freeradius daemons on the same machine?

Hi all,

Does anybody know that can I run two freeradius daemons on the same machine?



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