Hello all.
Another problem I'm having - I want to be able to check that a user is in a
group in LDAP.  I've been using the users file to do this, and here's what
I've tried:
DEFAULT Ldap-Group == "CN=xxxxx,OU=yyyyy,DC=zzzzz", 
        Auth-Type := LDAP, Fall-Through = No
This setup accepts me whether or not I'm in the group.  If I do this:

DEFAULT Ldap-Group == "CN=xxxxx,OU=yyyyy,DC=zzzzz", 
        Auth-Type := LDAP, Fall-Through = No

DEFAULT Auth-Type := Reject

I'll always be rejected.

LDAP refers to an Auth-Type I've set up.  I didn't think it was relevant so
I didn't include it here.

Thanks in advance,

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