"Sarkis Gabriel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> To be honest i have spent a lot of time working out cvs and i do not
> know how to check for the version on cvs the only thing i found in
> the archive about cvs and 1.0.3 is the one below posted few days
> back and pointing out that it is the current candidate for the
> official 1.0.3 and it is called release_1_0.

  It will work if you follow the instructions in that message.

> I know you dont like playing twenty question but if i have not
> tried, I would not be asking, i just need to get this new system
> compiled and working so i can drop version 0.9.3.

  I would like to be able to help you, but you keep saying "something
went wrong", and giving NO information.

  I'm not a mind reader, and I *hate* having to play the "twenty
questions" game.  if you want someone to help you, then give them
enough information so that they can understand what you're doing.  If
you don't, then you're forcing people to ask you question after
question of "OK, and what EXACTLY went wrong?"

  If you never say anything other than "something went wrong", then no
one will be able to help you.  Ever.  And no one will want to help
you, either.

  Alan DeKok.

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