Miguel Sennoun wrote:

Set "log_destination = syslog" and

log {
        syslog_facility = daemon

I tried, but it seems not write radius logs in syslog

Just to be clear - which "radius" logs are you trying to redirect and did you make sure that syslog is running/configured correctly ?

in your radiusd.conf.  That will get your authentication/authorization
logs going to syslog under the "daemon" facility.  This is all in the
documentation, BTW.

There is nothing in my documentation (freeradius 1.0.2

Straight from the distributed radiusd.conf:

#  Destination for log messages.  This can be one of:
#       files - log to ${log_file}, as defined above.
#       syslog - to syslog (see also the log{} section, below)
#       stdout - standard output
#       stderr - standard error.
#  The command-line option "-X" over-rides this option, and forces
#  logging to go to stdout.

That last note is VERY important - if you are testing using -X, you won't see anything in syslog.

and further down:

#  Logging section.  The various "log_*" configuration items
#  will eventually be moved here.
log {
        #  Which syslog facility to use, if ${log_destination} == "syslog"
        #  The exact values permitted here are OS-dependent.  You probably
        #  don't want to change this.
        syslog_facility = daemon

/ Craig Huckabee        |          e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] /
/ Code 715-CH           |           phone: (843) 218 5653       /
/ SPAWAR Systems Center | close proximity: "Hey You!"           /
/ Charleston, SC        |            ICBM:  32.78N, 79.93W      /

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