Ok, so here's what I did to solve this problem. I'm posting this just for anyone out there searching the Archives that needs something like my situation. I did a lot of reading, and a lot of re-reading, and finally the lightbulb over my head clicked on! I read Mike's previous post several times over and over, and finally understand it:


My goal as stated before: Basically if a user logs in through NAS1, they are assigned X attributes
with *dynamic* IP, if they log in through NAS2, they are assigned Y
attributes with a *static* IP. And all this needs to be done in MySQL,
that way my own PHP frontend(which I intend to release GPL) can work
with it. Also I think MySQL scales better.

1) Create a new field (column) in the radreply, radgroupcheck, and radgroupreply tables. You could name this column anything you want, but following Mikes earlier post, mine is set up at "HuntGroup". The name is insignificant, it is merely a reference, but you should make sure that it stays the same throughout this.

2) Modify sql.conf and change the following:
Make them the following:
authorize_group_check_query = "SELECT ${groupcheck_table}.id,${groupcheck_table}.GroupName,${groupcheck_table}.Attribute,${groupcheck_table}.Value,${groupcheck_table}.op FROM ${groupcheck_table},${usergroup_table} WHERE ${usergroup_table}.Username = '%{SQL-User-Name}' AND ${usergroup_table}.GroupName = ${groupreply_table}.GroupName AND ${usergroup_table}.GroupName = ${groupcheck_table}.GroupName AND (${groupcheck_table}.HuntGroup = '%{request:Client-IP-Address}' OR ${groupcheck_table}.HuntGroup IS NULL) ORDER BY ${groupcheck_table}.id"

authorize_group_reply_query = "SELECT ${groupreply_table}.id,${groupreply_table}.GroupName,${groupreply_table}.Attribute,${groupreply_table}.Value,${groupreply_table}.op FROM ${groupreply_table},${usergroup_table} WHERE ${usergroup_table}.Username = '%{SQL-User-Name}' AND ${usergroup_table}.GroupName = ${groupreply_table}.GroupName AND ${usergroup_table}.GroupName = ${groupreply_table}.GroupName AND (${groupreply_table}.HuntGroup = '%{request:Client-IP-Address}' OR ${groupreply_table}.HuntGroup IS NULL) ORDER BY ${groupreply_table}.id"

authorize_reply_query = "SELECT id,UserName,Attribute,Value,op FROM ${authreply_table} WHERE Username = '%{SQL-User-Name}' AND (${authreply_table}.HuntGroup = '%{request:Client-IP-Address}' OR ${authreply_table}.HuntGroup = '' OR ${authreply_table}.HuntGroup IS NULL) ORDER BY id"

Note that where it says ".HuntGroup" this is where you would change the name depending on what you call your field in #1. Also, where it says "%{request:Client-IP-Address}" this is going to be the attribute you are checking against. Originally I had it set to "NAS-IP-Address" as I was checking the NAS to determine what to reply with.Graeme pointed out that Client-IP is more secure, as NAS-IP can be spoofed.

3) Now insert into the various tables for testing. I assume here that you already have groups set up. I have two groups, Wireless and Dial-Up. In radgroupcheck: id GroupName Attribute op Value HuntGroup 132 Wireless Auth-Type == Local 134 Dial-Up Auth-Type == Local 135 Dial-Up Auth-Type == Reject

We need the reject under Dial-Up so that it doesn't reply with Dial-Up attributes coming from that NAS(IP). Someone correct me if that is wrong, perhaps that isn't needed?
In radgroupreply:
133 Wireless Service-Type := Framed-User 0 132 Wireless Framed-Compression := Stac-LZS 0 131 Wireless Framed-MTU := 1480 0 130 Wireless Framed-IP-Netmask := 0 129 Wireless Framed-IP-Address := 0 128 Wireless Framed-Protocol := PPP 0 134 Wireless Session-Timeout := 14400 0 135 Wireless Idle-Timeout := 600 0 136 Wireless Port-Limit := 2 0

In radreply:
171 testaccount Framed-IP-Address :=

4) I put the user "testaccount" into both the Dial-Up and Wireless groups. Now, if I run a test (I use NTRadPing) from anything other than, it replies with the attributes for Dial-Up. If I run a test from, it replies with the attributes for Wireless, including the Static IP. Now, if I insert "testaccount2" into radreply(assuming the user is a part of Dial-Up already), with a Static IP, but nothing in "HuntGroup" and test from anything it returns the attributes only in radreply - Static IP. You could expand upon this, as it may not be complete. Feel free to correct me or make other points.


Graeme Hinchliffe wrote:

        Use Client-IP rather than NAS-IP as NAS-IP can be spoofed.


On Wed, 2005-06-08 at 15:30 -0700, N White wrote:
Graeme Hinchliffe wrote:

        perhaps you could do it using huntgroups.

        Put the static attributes for the user in the radreply table, then
assign each nas to a huntgroup, so say


        Then in radgroupreply you put the attributes for for dynamic IP
assignment on the NAS-dynamic, and ensure there is an attribute to
override the static settings.

not 100% about the overriding of the static IP settings, but would think
it possible using the assignment ( := ) operator and possibly a null

Hope thats of some help.

Do I need to setup a "HuntGroups" field like Mike suggested? Ok, so in huntgroups file:

Wireless         NAS-IP-Address = (the IP of the Wireless NAS)
Autz-Type = SQL1 (modify radiusd.conf to include this, and sql.conf like in Mike's post?)
NAS-dynamic      NAS-IP-Address = (ip of dialup NAS)
                           NAS-IP-Address = (ip of isdn NAS)

in radgroupreply:

|   GroupName | Attribute          | op | Value               | HuntGroup |
| Wireless   | Service-Type       | =  | Framed-User         | Wireless   |
| Wireless   | Framed-Protocol    | =  | PPP                 | Wireless   |
| Wireless   | Framed-IP-Address  | =  |     | Wireless   |
| Wireless   | Framed-IP-Netmask  | =  |     | Wireless   |
| Wireless   | Framed-Compression | =  | Van-Jacobson-TCP-IP | Wireless   |
All Other users would go into the Dial-Up Group, which would have a HuntGroup 
of NAS-dynamic?

in radreply:

| UserName  | Attribute         | op  | Value         |
| test123   | Framed-IP-Address | :=  |  |

Now in radgroupcheck do I need a NAS-IP-Address check for each group(or the wireless group?)?
Thanks for everyone's help.


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| Nick White           |
| Network Consultant   |
| http://www.edge9.net |

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