Hello RADIUS-people!

In my radius server I have a certain NAS defined in the clients.conf file as (example) :
   shortname = one
   secret = oneone
and the same NAS in the proxy.conf file like this :
realm one{
   type = radius
   authhost  =
   accthost  =
   secret = oneone

This creates confusion because when receiving a request from this NAS, my radius server recognize it twice. One that is proxied and one that is "treated" locally (without striping of the realm). How can I solve this so that when the request should be proxied it is only proxied and when it should be treated locally it is only treated locally?

I hope I made my question clear...

Loads of thanks!

Vicky - List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See http://www.freeradius.org/list/users.html

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